2 months. 2 months to go with the Gilbert family. 2 months left with this amaaaazing family. My family. Can't believe I'm soon going to say goodbye and end my time here as an au pair.
In May, Izzy (6) and Matthew (3) need a new best friend that can take them on fun adventures and keep them busy. This best friend will be a big part of their life and also, part of the family. The family, my family - is kind-hearted, warm, open and freaking awesome. These people took me into their family, their hearts and their lives without thinking twice. Now, it's someone else's turn to be taken in and get the amazing oppotunity to live in another country and take part of everything that the au pair-life has to offer. I'm jealous of this person, cause this girl will experience something extraordinary - and most important, have soooo much fun.
My time in NZ has been crazy - I'm having the time of my life and everyday is a new "best-day-ever". I'm so amazed by everything here - the country, Auckland, the kiwi lifestyle, everything I've seen and done, but most of all, all the people I've gotten to know. Now I have friends all over the world that I love and will keep forever. New Zealand, yes you've heard it's awesome and do you know what? IT IS. It's the coolest country on earth, I'm sure - and everything you've heard is true. How beautiful it is (stunning nature, amazing beaches, crazy activities etc) how nice people are, how strong the sun is (be careful seriously) and how much of an adventure life is when you're here!
Moving to the other side of the world is a big step - a huge one. But it's also the coolest thing I've ever done. It's an experience that will be with me for the rest of my life. I've grown so much as a person and moving here is the reason for that. I don't wanna leave (haha), but I'm ready for the next adventure. It's time for me to let someone else to step in and get the chance to take part of everything that my au pair-life has given me and the au pairs before me.
I'm part of the Gilbert's - and will always be. I will come back, no doubt. This is my second home!
Pip. Howard. Izzy. Matthew.
You guys canged my life and will always have a special place in my heart.
It's another "best au pair ever"'s turn to rock this house and fall in love with the best host family ever. Don't miss out on that oppotunity. You won't find a better family. You won't find a better place in the world to live in.
Email me (tea_svensson32@ hotmail.com) if you are interested in this job, or spread the word if you know someone! Look at the family's website www.bestaupairever.wordpress.com and get to know them! Remember, this family deserves the best. Read my blog Lately, lots of trips. But scroll down and you'll get a good idea how my life as an au pair looks like!
Why do all good things come to an end? Well, for me this is not the end. For me coming to New Zealand was a new start, a beginning of something that turned out to be the best thing I've ever done, something that made me love my life and myself in a way I've never done before. Thank you New Zealand and thank you Gilbert Family!