Impossible. Impossible to do one blog post about the coolest two weeks of my life - South Island, my god. My biggest smile goes to the 5 girls that I travelled with - you guys. Haha. Love is not enough.
A picture is worth a thousand words they say - so here we go..
We love Kiwi Experience.. or do we? 
Christchurch we love you too .. not? Lets say our journey had a pretty tough start - Josefin got sick and seriously, christchurch is the most boring place in the world.
But theeeeen --> Kaikoura and dolphin swim with wild dolphins everywhere in the freeeeezing water (I'm serious, I thought I was going to die - not kidding. I panicked and was about to drown haha the wetsuit was too big and I hate cold water), but besides that this was probably the coolest thing on the whole trip. Imagine yourself being surronded by like 20 wild dolphins that are so close that you can touch them if you wanted to.. AAAAMAZING. 
Such a bad picture (not on you Matilda) but jsut wanted to say that we saw a couple of seal colonies up close, like everywhere around Kaikoura? Crazy..
Bros ay
Probably the most random thing we did, Westport. Beertasting - 2 l beer x 10 ... haha dunno what to say. Only in Westport I guess? Also met my friend Phil there, very random but good to see him again!
Met this cutie haha.. my kiwigrandpa, he looooves swedes. This is at the Pancake Rocks, pretty cool
ABC-party ; anything but clothes. Feels like we didn't get the theme? Well well, had fun tho - as always with these crazy chics! Me gusta
Frans Josef Glacier - so pretty. Kayaking = grrrrreat! Amazing - have so many fun and random memories from this place haha...
Biggest loser camp?
Mirror Lake - the most stunning view on the whole trip I reckon. Speechless.
Queenstown - and party and party and party and pa and pa and party.... the hat I'm wearing belongs to our driver Dallas, we loved him - he was the best cause he was so good and helped us a lot the whole time on the kiwi bus (and he bought us tequila shots hehe)
....and not so much partying?
Such a beautiful place though. So happy to be back - I love you Qtown. And I will come back again. And my god just remembered - Kajsa and I did the worlds biggest canyon swing haha - falling backwards. My legs were shaking and I've never been that scared in my entire life. Such a adrenaline rush, awesome. Hanna and Mikalea did it too, good on us ay!
A rainy Milford Sound - but still stunning. Felt like the avatar movie, unreal.
Woop woop 
Pretty amazing, thanks chicas!


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